Headshot of U N E professor Arthur Anderson

Arthur Anderson, Ph.D.

Associate Teaching Professor


Decary 144
Biddeford Campus
Eligible for Student Opportunities

I am an archaeologist who studies culture change and colonial encounters through material culture on the Maritime Peninsula



  • Anthropology


Selected publications

Patton, Katherine, Arthur Anderson and David W. Black. 2023 鈥溾樷he most delicious fish鈥︹ 鈥 Toward a Zooarchaeology of the Green Sea Urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, on the Coastal Northeast鈥 Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. doi:10.1080/15564894.2023.2227135

Hrynick, M. Gabriel, Arthur Anderson, Mike Meade, and Erik Moore. 2023. 鈥淓mbedding Librarians in Archaeological Field Schools鈥 Advances in Archaeological Practice 11(4).

Honsinger, Alexander, Arthur Anderson, and M. Gabriel Hrynick. 2023. 鈥淟ithic Procurement in the Quoddy Region, Washington County, Maine: A View from the Reversing Falls Site鈥 Archaeology of Eastern North America 51.

Anderson, Arthur W. and Gabriel Hrynick. 2023. 鈥淭he Site at Denbow Point, Cobscook Bay, and 20th Century Collecting in Downeast Maine鈥 Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 63(1): 1-14

Anderson, Arthur W. 2022. The village of Chouaco毛t and the ceramic and protohistoric periods on Saco Bay, Maine in The Far Northeast: 3000 BP to Present. Canadian Museum of History Mercury Series, eds. Kenneth R. Holyoke and M. Gabriel Hrynick. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press.

Anderson, Arthur W., A. Katherine Patton and M. Gabriel Hrynick. 2021.鈥淲abanaki subtidal shellfish harvesting: an ecological and archaeological study of horse mussels and barnacles at the Reversing Falls site, Maine, USA鈥 Archaeology of Eastern North America 49: 71-85

Hrynick, M. Gabriel and Arthur W. Anderson. 2021. 鈥淭he Pottle Site (80.65) on Cobscook Bay, Maine鈥 Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 61: 13鈥22

Spahr, Tim, Arthur Anderson, Gabriel Hrynick, Gemma-Jayne Hudgell, Elizabeth Kelley Erickson, Nancy Asch-Sidell and Arthur Spiess. 2021. 鈥淎 Late Woodland paddle in association with a dugout canoe from Cape Porpoise, Maine, USA鈥 The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 18 (3). Routledge: 541鈥545. doi:10.1080/15564894.2021.1958030

Spahr, Tim, Arthur Anderson, Gabriel Hrynick, Gemma-Jayne Hudgell, and Arthur Spiess. 2020. 鈥淎 Report on a Late Woodland Period Dugout Canoe From Cape Porpoise, Maine, USA.鈥 The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 17 (4). Routledge: 557-570 doi:10.1080/15564894.2020.1774446.

Anderson, Arthur W., and M. Gabriel Hrynick. 2019. 鈥淎 Reported Hafted Biface From Pannamaquan Lake, Washington County, Maine.鈥 Maine Archaeological Society Bulletin 59 (2): 1鈥8.