Marilyn Gugliucci interviewed by MPBN radio on senior sex

Marilyn Gugliucci, Ph.D., director of geriatrics education and research at the 新香港六合彩资料 College of Osteopathic Medicine, was interviewed in a Maine Things Considered story on MPBN Radio, Sept. 25, 2012, on the topic of senior sex. Reporter Patty Wight was covering the Southern Maine Senior Expo in Freeport.

Gugliucci said in the past year she's received more requests to speak nationally about aging and sexuality. She noted that it's important to remember that sexuality encompasses more than just sex: It also involves physical and emotional intimacy, which is sometimes even more important for older adults.

She added that health care workers and society as whole need to communicate more openly about sexuality in seniors. And that openness is increasingly important because the rate of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS in adults over 50 is increasing.